Scandinavian Life and Civilization
Scand. Studies 276
3 Credits
this course we will be taking a differentiated look at Scandinavia. Through
a diverse series of lectures, movies, and discussions, we will explore
the arts, music, culture, geography, history, languages, literature, and
politics of the Scandinavian countries.
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Nete Schmidt, Ph.D. 1368 Van Hise phone: 262-2090 Office Hours: T and R 12:15 -1 or by appointment |
Requirements: First Exam: 40 % Second Exam 40 % Formal Essay: 20 % |
Required Texts: Robert Ostergren The Geography of Scandinavia (WITS) Einar Haugen The Scandinavian Languages (WITS) Stewart Oakley The History of Scandinavia (WITS) Formal Essay: You are asked to write a 2-4 page analysis of a Scandinavian book: Jussi Adler Olsen The Absent One, 2013 The essay should be written as a book report, containing a brief summary, an analysis of the content, and an assessment of its relevance and implications for the course. Your essay will be graded based on your ability to communicate your understanding of the book's content, and how the book has added to and facilitated your comprehension of Scandinavian Culture. Your paper must be typed and in accordance with the MLA standard. This assignment is due in class on Thursday, October 24. No late papers will be accepted. Examinations: The First Exam will be on Tuesday, October 3, in class. The Second Exam will be on Thursday, December 12, in class. The examinations will contain mix-and match questions, short essay questions, and one long essay question, covering the lectures prior to the exam. Thus, you will be graded on your ability to retain the information given in class linked with your ability to communicate the broader perspectives inspired by the information. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to write me an e-mail or see me during my office hours. |