
Active Participation

  - Active use of Danish in the classroom, consistent participation in classroom discussion, and participation

       15 %

Quizzes will be mainly about grammar, and we will have a quiz once a week.

- you can´t make up a missed quiz unless we have arranged it beforehand


- Every Friday you must hand in a journal entry. Start with 10 sentences and add two sentences every week.

       15 %

- In the course of the semester you will be expected to make one 10 minute presentation in English and one 10 minute presentation in Danish.  You decide your own topic.

       10 %

- During class on Friday, March 13

       15 %
Oral Exam

- During class week 15

       15 %
Written Exam

- Friday, May 8 in class

       15 %


- We will watch a number of movies throughout the semester
- At least 4 essays must be about movies