Welcome to The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen , 475


Scand. Studies 475

The instructor for this course is Nete Schmidt

You can contact me by email at aschmidt2@wisc.edu.

Office hours for Fall are by appointment and
Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-11:00 am
in 1368 Van Hise Hall.

This class meets with The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen, Lit. in Trans. 275. 
The students in 475 will be doing the coursework outlined in the syllabus for 275

Furthermore, in order to gain a deeper and more personal understanding of the many aspects of the writing of Hans Christian Andersen, additional texts will be read and discussed.  These texts will include excerpts from his diaries, travel books, and novels.

Information about the historical and literary background for the works of H.C.Andersen will be expanded and elaborated.

Various critical approaches to literature will be introduced and applied to the works.

The class will be built on presentations followed by student-led discussion.

Odense, Denmark